What are the reasons your volunteers partner with you?
For the most part, Team Sam is comprised of men and women who have essentially adopted our cause as their own. I can name a few of the sailors from my ship who, for reasons only they know, have really taken on cystic fibrosis like it's directly affecting them. I'd do anything for these volunteers. Their devotion to fighting this disease leaves me speechless. For them, they are motivated by altruistic purposes, or serving the greater good. Two of them have increased their goals from last year significantly, and I hope that we can keep them on the team for a very long time.
Others are motivated by achievement. They have bought into the success we had last year and want to be a part of it. I can tell that they see the confidence the rest of us have that we're making a difference and they want to make a difference too. This is mingled with affiliation as well. They want to be a part of this because it's a winning team.
Some have joined the team because they love us as a family. I can think of at least one family that joined us last year specifically because they care a lot about Sam and us as a family. This sort of love leaves me speechless. It's not something I'm used to.
There are other reasons, to be sure, but you know the reason no one talks about? No one is doing this because of the Navy. You see, the Navy rewards volunteer work on evaluations and, if you volunteer enough, with an official award. It's something that I honestly thought a number of our volunteers would join for, but it isn't the case at all. I'm surprised, even a little baffled, but I'm grateful. The fact is that I have to remind them to put it on their evaluations! What a wonderful surprise!
And what are my motivations? My daughter, primarily. She needs to know that I care so much about her that I'd go to the ends of the earth to save her if I can. That is first and foremost. Secondly, because God gave me a mission. I've read that every man needs a battle...I've got one. Killing cystic fibrosis is my dream and my passion. Thirdly, I am motivated by achievement. I really believe that this is the winning team. I believe that cystic fibrosis will be cured. And then we'll take this army of fundraisers and pick a new fight to win. I can't wait until that day. We'll call ourselves FCFPA? (Former Cystic Fibrosis Patients Against ???).
Until then, I'll keep recruiting members of a team that will carry the fight to CF. I hope you will too!
So what motivates you? What motivates the people on your team?
8 years ago
Your paragraph about your motivations sounds as if it came right out of my mouth. I agree wholeheartedly about every aspect, and believe that one day SOON we will find a cure. How amazing would that be?
My team is motivated by Reilly. Their love for her, and their desire to see her cured, so that she doesn't have to endure all that she does. It is breathtaking, and reassuring, and I cannot thank them enough.
Last year, my mother & I, together with 3 other CF families in our small town began our first Great Strides walk. We raised over $34,000! It is such an honor to be part of it, and we hope to surpass our goal this year by at least $5,000!
I think my team is motivated by some of the same reasons. They are motivated by me, as well as others that walk on my team. They are motivated by seeing all the effort I put into finding a cure for CF. Before my transplant, I did VERY LITTLE in the CF community. For one, I was pretty sick. But two, no-one every approached me about volunteering, heading up a Great Strides teams, etc.
After my transplant, and after I almost lost my life, I realized that I needed to do this not for me, but for others. Now, it's my #1passion in life, and I will do everything possible to find a cure. I've had the opportunity to work on staff at our local CFF and really make a difference. I think when people see how hard I (and others for that matter) work to support CF, that motivates them even further. And I make a point to get out in the community, approach new families, and get everyone involved as I can. I can't thank all my suppoprters enough!
(I do try to give out prizes to my top fundraisers on my team though..and I guess that helps).
I think another motivation comes from the fact that the CFF doesn't get any government funding. Therefore, we are set out to prove our success even without the help of the government.
Thank you both for your great comments!
Cindy, I'm so inspired by your Great Strides event! I think someday that would be an awesome thing to do. Right now I'm enjoying the fruits of the labor of others as far as having a Great Strides, but I would love someday to be involved in starting one. Well done!
Katey, I decided this year to offer some sort of prize to my top fundraiser, and we'll see how that goes. I'm glad to see someone else do that already.
I agree with your motivators, and I'm humbled by the fact that you do it for others instead of yourself.
And I agree that without government funding, it is easy to be self-motivated. I have a daughter who will die from a disease unless I do something about it. I like how this fact empowers me to do the right thing about it.
Finally, thank you both for being so grateful for your volunteers and supporters. This is what sets good team leaders apart from the rest, in my opinion. I hope everyone who reads these comments feels the same way about thier volunteers and supporters as well.
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