12/8/2005-Samantha was born healthy after an uneventful pregnancy and planned C-Section. We were unaware at the time, but Samantha's blood would be tested for CF in a standard newborn screening.
12/19/2005-Samantha's cough concerned the lactation consultant who essentially ordered us to have her checked out.
12/20/2005-General pediatrician dismissed the concerns about the cough.
12/21/2005-We received a voice mail message from the Pediatric Pulmonary department stating they had results back from Samantha's newborn screening, and they needed to see us the next day to tell us the results.
12/22/2005-Exactly 2 weeks from the day Samantha was born, we received the news that Samantha tested positive for CF.
If you want to read more, Alicia has written about those first 2 weeks on her blog, and it gives an accurate and detailed description of what we were feeling.
8 years ago
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