Cystic Fibrosis World-Wide (CFWW) recently accepted Cystic Fibrosis Palestine as a member of the international organization. According to Ms. Christine Noke, the Executive Director of CFWW, "They have over 50 diagnosed patients without access to necessary medication, trained CF doctors or home therapy equipment. Most lack high caloric foods and combined with lack of enzymes are suffering from extreme malnourishment."
Reuters News Corp reported that "basic food supplies were running low", which is even worse information for someone without necessary medications to allow proper digestion of what food is available. Such is the case with cystic fibrosis, which blocks important enzymes from getting to the intestines. Without these enzymes, or their synthetic counterparts, food is not correctly broken down in the body.
Patients with CF in Gaza at one time had received care in Israel, but recent developments, even before Saturday's upheaval, precluded the treatment. CFWW is dedicated to getting a team into Gaza to assess the needs first hand. A like-minded development recently ended in success in Armenia, where "We were able to help establish a CF Center and educate hundreds of Medical professionals in the treatment of CF. We were also able to supply clinic needs such as the diagnostics etc. All the patients received free nebulisers, education guides and pep devices for home therapy," said Christine Noke, Executive Director of Cystic Fibrosis World-Wide.
In order to get things moving in Gaza, the foundation first needs access to Gaza, which will prove almost impossible with the current state of affairs in Israel and the Gaza Strip.
8 years ago
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