Don't Give up on God

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
When bad things happen, some of us give up on God, or worse yet, get angry with him. If you have a faith (and I speak from the Christian faith), then you simply cannot give up when you hear that you have, or that your child has, cystic fibrosis.

You may ask how we handled the news.

Alicia and I had no idea what to think when Doctor W. told us that our daughter had cystic fibrosis. We didn't even know what that meant, much less what we should think. We were in awe. When we got home, Alicia did what she does best…she researched CF until she had some of her basic questions answered. I did what I do best…beg people to pray for us. I used vital information that Alicia found to help promote our need for prayer. And it worked. For the first few weeks of Sam's life after diagnosis, we not only prayed ourselves, but there were at least five people (and some churches) praying also. It meant the world to us and I'm convinced that it helped us accept the reality of our situation.

It's ok to ask God why you're in this situation. Many in the Bible did that and survived. God cannot answer your questions if you do not ask them. He can handle your frustrations, you anger, and your confusion. He is God, after all.

Do not give up on God. Finding out that you or a loved-one has cystic fibrosis is devastating, but not something that is past the power of God. He has done miracles for my family, particularly through the health of our daughter. We have been amazed at what God has done for Sam, and for us. Our faith has been strengthened, not damaged, by the occurrence of cystic fibrosis. Lean closer to God despite this disease, and watch him do great things!


Bob (Bingo) Wright said...

I have CF and my parents were told I'd live into my teens, but probably not much longer (this was in the 1960's). God has sustained me for 45 years. I don't know why, as I've lived a less-than-stellar life and knew some much stronger christian men who died younger... but I know He's kept me alive and healthy for many years past my due date.

Keep the faith. Faith attracts the heart of God!

The Navy Christian said...

Thank you so much for this comment. It means a lot to me that people share their stories and praises. I'm so thankful for God that he has sustained you!