Don't forget the Discussion on Health Care!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
We'll start our discussion first thing in the morning!


Unknown said...

Fabulous. This is something that weighs heavily on me. I don't have cable TV so I feel out of the loop. By the time it gets to me from all different people I don't know what is truth. What will the new health care mean for our CF children?

The Navy Christian said...

It's going to be tough to know that for sure. If it's a true public option like what I have (in the Navy), then it will do a lot for CF children. My daughter gets all of her treatments for free, all of her medications/supplements for free, etc. What I don't know, and this is why we are having the "discussion", is what it will mean if we have other options, like the healthcare savings account or leaving it like it is, or something entirely different. So stay tuned!