Cystic Fibrosis Patients to Benefit from New Hampshire Teen Project

Sunday, December 28, 2008
Two libraries in New Hampshire are helping a young lady with her school project, and it directly affects those with CF. Erin Dorman, a junior in Hollis Brookline High School, his raising money for those with cystic fibrosis with the help of a local grocery store, Shaw's Supermarket. For every $5000 she raises in receipts, she gets 1% for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. That equates to a $50 donation for every milestone she hits.

Dorman has no direct link to cystic fibrosis, according to the Nashau Telegram. She has helped the foundation (Cystic Fibrosis Foundation) before and hopes to raise the necessary amount in grocery receipts more than once before the program closes at the end of January.

Persons in the Hollis area are encouraged to visit either the Hollis Social Library or the Brookline Library to donate their receipts. The Nashau Telegram reports that both libraries have agreed to keep the donation boxes in good view.

The program runs until January 31st, 2009.

The original article can be found here: